Volunteer Bendigo Tramways Conductor standing in front of Tram 44 at the Central Deborah Gold Mine

Volunteering at Bendigo Tramways

Before checking out the Volunteer Resource Centre at the Bendigo Library, I didn’t even know that Bendigo Tramways needed volunteers. 

I have a great interest in Industrial Archaeology and I’ve always enjoyed jobs that get me out of the office. Committing to a routine as a Volunteer has given some order to my life after finishing my career.

Meeting new people

Volunteering as a Conductor has provided a great opportunity to engage with people from all walks of life, and from all around the world: you never know who you are going to meet next!

Growing up with trams

I grew up with trams in Melbourne and loved using them as transport from a young age. I still remember handling decimal currency for the first time, given to me as change, on a tram heading into the city in February 1966 ... You might say I’m re-living my childhood!

Why do I volunteer?

I particularly enjoy taking visitors on tours of the Depot, directly sharing Bendigo’s history and personalising their experience.

“Dressing-Up” in a retro uniform is fun and it’s always flattering to have visitors ask if they may take my photograph.

The best part is receiving unsolicited praise for our service and handshakes from total strangers!

Bryan Lewis

Find out more about becoming a volunteer at Bendigo Tramways

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